A Mixtape for Ants?!
Experience a 90-Minute musical adventure through the land of Formigueira's beloved radio station, W-ANT. Now on Cassette Tape and the web.
In the not-too-distant land of Formigueira, music is perhaps the most integral part of Ant culture. While traditionally, every colony had its own musical traditions and instruments, ants from different colonies coming together to form bands was not uncommon.
One particularly beloved music institution in Formigueira was the radio station 90.7 WANT, which stood for We Are the Ants that Never Tire. The station was run by a army of enterprising ants who had a passion for music and wanted to share it with the rest of their colony.
DJ Thorax on Radio W-ANT
Every day, DJ Thorax, Dr. Love, MC Caterpillar, and countless other creepy-crawlies at 90.7 WANT worked tirelessly to bring the best in Ant music to the airwaves. They played a wide range of genres, from traditional antfolk to lowercase lizard stomp to the latest and greatest in renaissance rock and roll.
The station was a hub of activity, with Ants coming and going at all hours of the day and night to record sessions, conduct interviews, and put together the day’s programming. It was a place where Ants of all spots and stripes could come together to share their love of music with a steadfast commitment to bringing joy and connection through the power of music.
Tune in to this mixtape that just scratches the surface of Formigueira’s most iconic radio station.
I hope that clients, collaborators and friends enjoy the tape and the digital version. It’s a really fun journey through our catalog from some of our famous and infamous projects as well as some tracks that may have been just a little too hot to actually get licensed. As the concept, sets, skits and mix came together, it actually started taking on an even more special meaning to me, personally. It’s a really fun artifact of 15 years of Antfood, from all studios and all staff — from long-tenured Antfooders, to newcomers, composers, producers, marketing and ops. So, at least internally, it’s a really fun journey of traversing the past, present and future of Antfood and illustrates how everyone pitches in according to their unique abilities, interests and perspective to make something great. Selfishly, I imagine listening to this in five, ten, twenty years and reflecting on the talent and hopefully still enjoying the jokes.

A Mixtape for Ants?!
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