General Mills
Fruitsnackia's Mischevious Sonic World
We teamed up with Buck and Saatchi & Saatchi to develop the sonic world of Fruitsnackia — where everything and everyone is made of Fruit Snacks.
Sonic Branding
We developed a Simlish-like language and vocal performance style, created sticky, squishy foley and sound design, music cues and gave the brand a sonic identity with the "Fruitsnackia!" and "Om nom nom!" mnemonics.
I actually used my mouth for a lot of the sound effects, like I made a Kwfffplck!, brrsh, pffflt, SQRRLCH!, oooft

Spencer Casey
Dozens of spots chronicle the antics of our three troublemaking protagonists: Larry the Gusher, Linus a roll of Fruit By The Foot, and Lloyd the lovable Fruit Roll-Up.
Enjoy some behind the scenes of how we built this playful and mischievous sonic world.
Original Music & Sound Design
Direction, Art, Design & Animation